Engineering Services
The 4 phases of an Engineering Project
As engineers, at WTE we know that there are not shortcuts to develop a successful project.
Effective results can be achieved only following a well defined path, that starts exploring a new concept or idea, and proceeds verifying the technical and economical feasibility of different project options, to end developing a thorough base and a rigorous detail engineering.
Explore how we can support you during the many stages of an engineering project, from start to finish.
What's this all about?
- First level study, preliminary evaluation of projects
- Identification and evaluation of different project options, balancing the possibilities offered by the technology and the quality (performances, plant availability, maintainability, etc.) necessary to satisfy the customer's needs
- Recommended in situations demanding for a technological breakthrough or an innovative application of existing technologies
- Estimates mostly based on assumptions and on previous similar projects
- Rough cost estimate
Information provided:
- Identification of project assumptions requiring additional work (information, tests)
- Evaluation of different design options Identification of major components of the system and preliminary environmental considerations
- Rough estimate of capital and operating cost
- Preliminary process design
- Expected performances analysis
- Preliminary layout
- Mass and energy balances
- System and plant utilities evaluation
- Estimates for air emissions
- Preliminary total installed cost estimate
What's this all about?
- The core of any typical project. A complete process design package, including every information required to perform, as next step, the Detail Engineering of the plant
- Provide basic input to Civil/Electrical/Instrumentation
- Detailed process design and description
- Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) study of the boiler
- Detailed Mass & Energy Balances (for each module of the system; under full, partial and project load)
- Process Flow Diagrams (PFD), Utility Flow Diagram (UFD) and Process Instrumentation Diagrams (PID), for each module of the system
- Detailed equipment list, sizing and specification
- Detailed plant layout and battery limit schedule
- Programmable Logic System (PLC) conceptual design
- Distributed Control System (DCS) conceptual design
- Updated capital cost estimation
The purpose of these studies is to ascertain the technical/economical feasibility of a project. The engineering is sufficiently developed, thus allowing for an estimate of the cost of installation that, while still inaccurate, nonetheless gives enough information to develop a significant business plan. The process can be iterated as needed, evaluating different project options, until a definite conclusion about the feasibility and attractiveness of the investment can be reached.
What's this all about?
- Intermediate step in the engineering, to evaluate the project
- Engineering is developed further, at least for the major packages of the plant, in order to obtain budgetary quotations by a number of vendors
- Level of accuracy of the cost estimate : ranging from ± 20-25% to ± 10-15%, depending on how accurate the engineering developed to issue equipment specifications, and on the number of potential suppliers/vendors contacted
- Possibility to submit local authorities the technical documentation and an assessment of the environmental impact of operations, usually needed to begin the process to obtain permits to operate and other authorizations.
- Process Flow Diagrams
- Material Balance Diagrams
- Equipment sizing and specification
- Preconstruction estimate
- Project scheduling
- Air pollutant fallout (estimation based on computer model)
- Motor list
What's this all about?
- Based on the basic engineering package, it's the ultimate stage in engineering
- Describes the entire system with the utmost accuracy
- Process Engineering
- Final process flow sheet and control strategies
- Final plant layout
- Pumps and Piping systems
- Pollution Control systems
- Mechanical Engineering
- Process equipment specifications, equipment selection and equipment layout
- Specialty machine design
- Civil/Structural
- Site utilities
- Process Control & Instrumentation
- Electrical Control diagrams (open and close control loops)
- Input/Output list
- Instrumentation: detailed list with specifications
- PLC and DCS design
- Electric power distribution
- Design of Power Generation Systems
- Electrical equipments specifications
- Process control and instrumentation

Tell us about your next project
We love facing new challenges, discussing new ideas and envisaging new projects.
Feel free to contact us: we will be glad to exchange opinions, and to figure out how we can be of further help.