Design & supply of furnace burners for MSW plant
Design, engineering and installation of gas piping, regulating valves and five natural gas burners on lines 1 and 2 of the waste to energy plant owned by ACEGAS-Aps, in Padova.
Design, engineering and installation of gas piping, regulating valves and five natural gas burners on lines 1 and 2 of the waste to energy plant owned by ACEGAS-Aps, in Padova.
Ecosesto Spa, a Falck Renewables’s company, commissioned to W.T.E. the design and supply of a new hammers cleaning system to be installed on the biomass boiler of the power plant (49 MWth) located in Rende (Italy). W.T.E.’s scope of work was supplying and super visioning the installation of the new system replacing the one already …
After a public tender W.T.E. obtained the contract for a major revamping of the MSW incineration facility. The plant was owned by AEM Gestioni Srl – Cremona, now a partner of A2A. The object of the tender was design, supply, install and start-up of: – high Dust SCR DeNOx unit, installed downstream of an exixting SNCR system – …
Design and supply for revamping of gas cleaning system in a wte plant Read More »
Ecosesto SpA, coordinated by Actelios Spa, ordered to W.T.E. the design and the supply of a superheated steam boiler and auxiliary equipment for a power plant, located in Rende (Italy), fed by wood chips and olive residues. The plant was undergoing a complete revamping system in order: 1) to increase efficiency of energy recovery and …
Design, manufacturing, supply start up and commissioning of a 24 MWt furnace fed by wasted biomass (wood chips, wine production waste, straw, kernel and stones), including auxiliaries and Process & Combustion Control. Maximum Quantity of biomasses to be burnt: 10 tonnes hour of grape’s harvest and winery by-products at 1850 kcal/kg. LHV shall be in …
Design and supply of a Biomass to Energy system (installed power 1 MWe). Scope of supply including: boiler, condenser, degaser, auxiliary systems.
“Major improvements to the thermal cycle, AAMPS Livorno MSW incineration plant.
W.T.E. delivered the design, the construction and the installation of a new economizer for the boiler existing on the line n.1 of the waste to energy plant owned by AEM Gestioni in Cremona.
Dosing/Feeding System of industrial RDF (paper and plastic fine residues) to combustion system. The system included: vacuum system, pneumatic transportation, storage silos, capture and dust removal (filtration) Main components designed and delivered by W.T.E. were: -cyclon; -bag filter; – pneumatic transport fan.